Interpretation of Islam: examples of interpretations of the topics discussed on the status of women in Islam and their implications in selected countries of the present


The paper deals with the topics discussed regarding the role of women in the Qur'an and in Islam. It presents various interpretations of the selected verses of the Qur'an and other basic texts related to women. The first part of the study is devoted to the complexity of translations of original texts into other languages. It also focuses on marriage, polygamy, and divorce, how these aspects look in the most widespread interpretations and what the Qur'an offers on these issues. The study also focuses on the issue of veiling, and tries to capture the views advocated by cover ingup, as well as those highlighted by the opponents of this tradition. In the second part there are examples of two states, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, which have Islam as the majority religion. I illustrate how religion is reflected in their society on women and their status.

Qur'an; Islam; woman in religion; veiling; marriage; divorce; polygamy


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