Sacra statistics

General information

- since 2003 till 2021 Sacra has published 371 texts in general categories, 4 opinion polls, 7 comics and one poem
- 3222 pages was printed since 2003
- 204 authors published in Sacra since 2003
- the Editorial Board of Sacra contained overall 53 members from four different universities, out of them, ten served as editors-in-chief, two as deputies of editors-in-chief, and one as an executive editor

Members of the Editorial Board and the network of their cooperation

Gephi visualisation of the network graph of the editor's collaboration on Sacra issues (2003–2021):

- colours: blue = editors, pink = deputies/executive editors, orange = editors-in-chief
- weight of the edges = number of cooperation on individual issues (membership in the Editorial Board)

- read from left to right: graph indicates timeline of individual memberships among the editors in Sacra from 2003 to 2021

Graph of the proportion of different types of texts published in Sacra (2003-2021)

Graph of different types of texts published in Sacra (2003-2021):

- legend: the main types of texts during the years (category articles also contains polemics and essays)
- number of published texts: 371 (graph doesn't contain four opinion polls, seven comics, and one poem)

- number of texts in individual categories: articles (158), reviews (83), interviews (14), and reports (116)

A review of Sacra content from 2003 to 2021 through the text titles

Wordcloud of the most frequently used words in the titles of articles, essays and polemics

- corpus of titles was lemmatized; English and Czech stopwords were used
- overall number of words in the wordcloud is 75, number of titles in the corpus is 158

- most frequently used words: "náboženský" (15), "náboženství" (14), "religionistika" (11), "vztah" (8), "studium" (8), "církev" (7)