Talent and Creativity in Preschool Age Children: A Pilot Study
Studia paedagogica: Childhood
This paper analyses the relationship between giftedness and two types of creativity (figural and verbal) in preschool age children. The paper aims to describe and analyze the relationship between the two types of creativity, their relationship to the overall level of giftedness, and to explore the predictive model for the overall level of giftedness as a dependent variable. The overall level of giftedness was measured with the Characteristics of giftedness scale, verbal creativity was measured with a test of verbal creativity known as Telling of stories, and figural creativity was measured with Urban’s Test for creative thinking. The research data was gathered through testing 32 randomly selected children of preschool age. The results suggest that there is a moderate level of correlation between the two types of creativity (which is statistically significant) and a statistically non-significant weak correlation between creativity and giftedness (verbal creativity r=0.361; figural creativity r=0.222). As for partial characteristics, the fact that a child gives imaginary names to imaginary animals has the closest relationship with the overall level of giftedness. The same applies to a child’s ability to conceive an unfinished drawing as a conceptually whole drawing. These two elements are also most strongly represented in the included predictive model. The paper also describes that the overall level of giftedness in preschool age children has weak correlation with the achieved education of their fathers (r=0.248) and instead posits a correlation with the achieved education of their mothers (r=0.363).The paper also discusses limits of the presented research and directions for further research.
giftedness; behavior rating scale; figural creativity; verbal creativity; preschool age
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