Parents' Perception of Their Involvement in Schooling Activities: A Case Study from Rural Secondary Schools in Bangladesh
Studia paedagogica: Childhood
The primary purpose of this study was to explore parents’ perceptions of their involvement in their children’s education. This study was conducted in secondary schools in a rural area of Bangladesh. People from this area mostly have low literacy and income rates. A qualitative case study research design was used. Five parents from five different schools in the rural context were interviewed. The findings from this study show that parents are not comfortable approaching the school and many parents do not consider their role as encompassing parental involvement in their children’s education. The study concluded that parental attitudes and beliefs about involvement are the result of a lack of information about how they could be involved. This study recommends that policymakers and school administrators address parents’ perceptions and not only make them aware of how they can become involved in schooling, but also create opportunities for them to do so.
parental involvement; perception; rural context; Bangladesh
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