Changes in Friendships as a Result of Students' Transition from Grade Four to Grade Five of Primary School

Studia paedagogica: Childhood


The present ethnographic study deals with the transformation of social relationships in the course of students’ transition from grade four to grade five of primary school. The aim of the paper is to point out the existence of non-normative transitions that tend to be interpreted as hidden since they occur within a single institution and at a moment that is atypical in comparison with the typical normative transition from primary to lower secondary level. After multi-source data collection, the study presents the issue of students leaving for selective schools and at the same time draws attention to the strengthening effect of what is termed double leaving, which refers to a repeated change in class structure and a double strain on class climate. The study is also concerned with the period of adolescence during which the transition occurs. As a result of developmental characteristics, changes in friendships and the emergence of the first romantic relationships are encountered.

Klíčová slova:
primary and lower secondary school; non-normative transition; transfer; peer relationships; romance; ethnographic case study

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