Czech Republic and Norway on Their Path to Digital Education

Studia paedagogica: Digital Youth and Their Ways of Learning

Digital technologies are a common feature of present society and people's lives. They have made a significant entry into education as well. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) therefore become an important political issue as early as the last decades of the 20th century, when this topic was reflected in the priorities and goals of educational policies. In the present study, the authors focus on the history and transformations of educational policies regarding ICTs in two European countries with distinct geographies, economies, and politics. These countries nevertheless share several features concerning integrating ICTs into education. The authors use a qualitative comparative study of the two countries to approach the two countries as cases, thus enabling relatively detailed insight into the issue, including its contexts. The goals of the study are to describe the cultural, historical, and political context of ICTs implementation in education and explore the development and transformations of Czech and Norwegian educational policies regarding ICTs since their start in the two educational systems. The authors explore the approaches the two countries chose to integrate ICTs into their respective education systems. The study concludes by comparing the states of affairs of implementation of digital technologies in education in four specific areas.

Klíčová slova:
implementation of ICTs in education; educational policies; Czech Republic; Norway; comparative study

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