Similarity-Attraction Theory and Feedback-Seeking Behavior at Work: How Do They Impact Employability?

Studia paedagogica: Social Networks in Educational Processes


Employees' feedback-seeking networks at work are important for employees' learning and employability. Earlier studies often neglected the specific characteristics of the different relationships an individual employee has at work. We conduct social network analyses in seven samples to study inter-individual differences in feedback-seeking relationships in detail. We investigate 2,058 feedback-seeking relationships of 118 employees to study how similarity-attraction affects the composition of feedback-seeking networks at work and how the composition of these feedback-seeking networks influences employees' employability. This research study aims to contribute by taking into account both the mechanisms that shape feedback-seeking networks and the effects of this on employability. The results show that similarity-attraction affects feedback-seeking in the workplace and that having a largely homogeneous feedback-seeking network has detrimental effects on employability.

Klíčová slova:
employability; feedback-seeking; similarity-attraction; social networks

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