(Re-)construction of the school scientific vocabulary

Studia paedagogica

The present paper describes the way in which a school scientific vocabulary is (re)constructed – the process of mediation and acquisition of school scientific concepts and search for their meanings through speech. The process of school vocabulary (re)construction is viewed as a part of socialization in the school language, i.e. as a part of a more complex process where students learn to use language in a specific and culturally conditioned way in accordance with habitual teaching activities of a given school subject – Czech Grammar in the case of this study. The study is framed as qualitative research built upon principles of the linguistic ethnography. Based on data analysis, it presents and describes four stages (the clash of languages, the bilingual stage, the explicit scientific stage, and the implicit scientific stage) that teachers and students go through in the process of school scientific vocabulary (re)construction. Further, it defines "translation strategies", which teachers use in order to elucidate the content of concepts currently used in instruction to students.

socialization in school language; school scientific vocabulary; scientific terms; everyday terms; linguistic ethnography

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