Psychological literacy from two cognition perspectives: a current challenge for teaching of psychology and for its didactics

Studia paedagogica

This paper deals with psychological literacy as one of the key objectives of education in psychology. The authors analyse psychological literacy as a concept which conditions the selection of educational content and methods used in education in psychology. With the support of Searl's (2004) distinction of first and third person ontology, the authors point out the danger of reductionism in education in psychology unless sufficient attention is paid to the first person cognition perspective. At the same time they clarify the theory of use of the first person cognition perspective in teaching practice through expressive creative activities. On the basis of Goodman's (2007) classification of types of symbolic representation they explain the function of expression in education in psychology, thus clarifying the method of expressive experimentation based on the principle of optimal safe engagement in psychically impressive content.

education in psychology; didactics; psychological literacy; first person ontology; third person ontology; expression; denotation; exemplification; expressive experimentation

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