Parents' attitudes to the selection of a primary school

Studia paedagogica

The choice of a primary school is one of many important mechanisms which influence inequalities in education. Any change in early differentiation of pupils in primary schools requires acquaintance with parents' attitudes towards early tracking. This knowledge needs to be taken into consideration in the creation of education policy. Consequently, this paper presents results of a research which analyses parents' attitudes towards primary school selection and early tracking. The paper is based on a quantitative survey of a representative sample of parents who have enrolled their child in compulsory education and also on a qualitative research which combines semi-structured interviews and focus groups. The paper presents a typology of parents, showing how the conflicting interests of individual children and society influence the school choice. The paper's conclusion emphasises the necessity of an active approach in shaping parents' attitudes.

school selection; tracking; parents' attitudes; primary school

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