Implementation of Dialogic Teaching Components into Micro-Teaching of Pre-Service Science Teachers

Studia paedagogica

This paper examines whether pre-service science teachers in the final stages of their training are capable of applying the principles of dialogic education in their teaching. Students were acquainted with selected features of dialogic teaching (such as open-ended questions, follow-up/uptake, and the triadic interaction) in a compulsory course. They observed a video recording of a teaching session that included some of the applied principles, analyzed this part with the help of a lecturer, and planned a micro-teaching session of 15 minutes in which they instructed their peers. Each micro-session was recorded and provided with group feedback in both oral and written form, which then served each student as starting points for written reflection. Based on observational micro-analysis of the recordings and thematic analyses of reflections, this paper describes when and under what conditions the students meet the challenges of dialogic teaching and under which conditions this task eludes them. Finally, the paper also discusses some theoretical overlaps that comment on pre-service teacher education.

dialogic teaching; micro-teaching; pre-service teacher education; communicational approach; classroom discourse

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