Selected Cheating and Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Upper Secondary School Students

Studia paedagogica

The paper focuses on factors that influence cheating among upper secondary school students. It explains how the rate of the use of some cheating strategies in schools is determined by factors of self-regulated learning and the grade point average (GPA). The data were collected by a questionnaire survey (N = 346) and analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and the standard method of multi-linear regression. The results show that a higher GPA and a higher level of some self-regulated skills lead to a decreased frequency of cheating. On the other hand, some other self-regulated learning skills slightly increase the frequency of cheating. Students with higher levels of these skills appear at times to willingly combine these skills with cheating strategies despite the fact that studying is a primary priority for them.

classroom cheating; self-regulated learning; self-regulation skills; grade point average; gender; upper secondary schools

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