Teacher Power Bases: Czech Adaptation of Teacher Power Use Scale

Studia paedagogica

Even though the establishment of power relations among teachers and students is a precondition for successful realization of didactical and educational aims in instructional settings, the concept of teacher power was only lately stabilized within Czech educational theory and has been investigated only qualitatively through interviews, observations, and reflective texts (e.g. Makovská, 2010, 2011; Šeďová, 2011, 2015). Our aim is to present a Czech adaptation of the Teacher Power Use Scale (Schrodt, Witt, & Turman, 2007), which measures relational power traditionally differentiated into five power bases (expert, reference, legitimate, coercive, and reward) according to French and Raven's theory (1959). The benefit of this quantitative approach is its relatively fast estimation of the five teacher power bases even with a high number of respondents and the comparability of the resultant findings. The adaptation focused on extending the instrument's applicability to a larger variety of respondents (younger learners at ISCED 2A and their teachers) and Czech educational conditions. The five factor/bases model was reduced by confirmatory factor analysis, item analysis, and reliability analysis to a four-factor solution because Czech students in lower secondary education perceived legitimate and coercive power bases as a single factor. High correlations between these bases have also been reported in other international studies. The reliability coefficients for all power bases were higher than 0.70. The Czech version of the instrument (Báze moci: verze pro učitele) can be used further in research or instructional practice – by teachers and teacher educators, where it can broaden their views on their own educational work.

classroom interaction; power; power bases; reflected teacher power; adaptation of Teacher Power Use Scale; confirmatory factor analysis

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