The Impact of Clinical Experience on the Professional Development of Student Teachers

Studia paedagogica

Forms of initial teacher education are currently being discussed especially with regard to the changes of guidelines for the design of tertiary study programs. In this context, an effective model of initial teacher education is being sought, emphasizing in particular the need for (reflective) clinical practice. For this purpose, it is vital to build on a thorough exploration of existing practices, and specifically on the analysis and evaluation of the experience gained in the Czech context, not only to seek inspiration abroad. We wish to contribute to this discussion of the structure and form of teacher education through an analysis of the clinical experience obtained during a year-long assistantship (the so-called clinical year). The results of our analysis document student teachers' professional development and are presented in this study. The professional development of future teachers, specifically the changes in their situated cognition, were monitored in ten measurements per year within the clinical year, and the research was repeated six times (2002–2008). The research sample included in total 130 students. The results are summarized for these 130 students, and also presented by their study groups (15–30 students) in individual years. Professional development indicators applied in the study were derived from the current theoretical state of the art in the field, and used in a battery of structured self-reflective tools. The indicators were formulated in a dynamic form, i.e., as a shift (1) from adherence to a fixed teaching plan to flexibility and improvisation, (2) from focus on content to focus on the learner, (3) from responses to classroom events to their anticipation, (4) from short- to long-term planning, (5) from conscious concentration on professional performance in every pedagogical situation to its intuitive grasp. Reliability of the instrument as a whole as well as of individual scales reached relatively high values. The results show that clinical experience had, according to the students' reports, significant impact on their professional growth in all areas studied. Students were gradually able to focus more on pupils, their flexibility and long-term planning skills increased, they were better able to predict classroom events. The most substantial increase was recorded in the areas of flexibility, focus and anticipation. In addition, there was a correlation between the rate of increase in flexibility, student focus, long-term planning, and anticipation.

initial teacher education; clinical experience; teacher professional development; indicators of change

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