Benefits of Distributive School Management for Teacher Work Satisfaction

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This study presents the results of research documenting how Croatian teachers evaluated the evolution of features of distributive school leadership (DSL) and whether there is a correlation between such leadership and the teachers' overall work satisfaction (TWS). A total of 1,910 Croatian teachers participated in the research by completing a newly constructed questionnaire for DSL with one item added to evaluate their work satisfaction. The questionnaire used three partial scales for DSL to measure information provided by school employees, students and outside actors, and directors and their closest coworkers. The results of Spearman's nonparametric correlations show that DSM based on the actions of employees had a mildly positive correlation with TWS, DSL based on the actions of students and outside actors had a weak positive correlation with TWS, and DSL based on the actions of directors and their closest co-workers had a negative correlation with TWS. Ordinal logistic regression analysis showed that DSL can explain 20.1% of the variation in TWS.

distributive school leadership; teacher work satisfaction; teacher participation

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