Employing an Open Approach to Mathematics in Pre-Service Primary School Teacher Training – An Empirical Study in the Context of an Inquiry-Based Course

Studia paedagogica

The present empirical study focuses on questions related to the implementation of inquiry-based mathematics teaching in training pre-service primary school teachers, namely questions related to an open approach to mathematics. During a two-semester mathematics course, I conducted a qualitative study in which I monitored phenomena related to the open approach in records of solutions to mathematics problems and in written student reflections on the course. I studied various solution procedures and their commonality, the number of examined solutions, and also the acceptability of various ways of recording solutions. During the course, three quarters of the participants improved in the open approach (in the acceptation of various notations for solutions, the number of examined solutions, and/or the ways in which they searched for the solutions), while none of them worsened. I discovered relationships among the commonality of solution procedures used by individual participants, the content of their reflections, and their improvement in the open approach.

primary school teachers; inquiry based mathematics education; open-approach method in mathematics; mathematics teaching; pre-service teacher education

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