Parental Views of Children’s Needs and Their Role in the Decision to Homeschool

Studia paedagogica

Contemporary perceptions of childhood strongly emphasize the importance of meeting the needs of children, especially when taking into account the influence of the primary caregiver. This is reflected in the common discussion as to the most suitable age for children to enter educational institutions. In this discussion, the home-education initiative noticeably criticizes child separation and postpones children's entrance into educational institutions. In our research, we focused on how parents who educated their children at home justify this choice in the context of their children's needs. We analyzed qualitative interviews (50) to gain better insight into their motivations. This study presents three themes perceived by parents that describe the perceived harmony of children's needs and the possibilities of home education: (1) the need for a safe space to mature, (2) the need for unique development, and (3) the need for independence. This study highlights how the decision to educate children at home is linked to current trends in understanding childhood and parenthood. Our analysis of specific experiences identifies practical implications that are especially useful for psychologists and educators.

childhood; parenthood; children's need; homeschooling

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