What Are We Going to Do Tomorrow? Try to Survive! Education at Home During a Coronavirus Pandemic from the Perspective of Mothers

Studia paedagogica

The year 2020 can be described in two words: coronavirus pandemic. The unprecedented pandemic event affected all areas of social life, and education was no exception. To ensure the continuity of teaching, schools began distance education. Although education was mainly the responsibility of schools, parents played a key role in the learning process, especially among children at the primary level. The aim of the study was to investigate how mothers of primary-level pupils approached education at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The qualitatively oriented research investigation is based on 12 in-depth semi-structured interviews. Data analysis led to the creation of five types of approaches to education at home. The "easy peasy" type characterizes an approach independent of school and heavily involved in education at home. The "we're on top of the plan" type captures a strictly organized approach. The "it's work, but it works" type characterizes the approach of mothers who knew their limits and did not let education at home consume them. The "fight tooth and nail" type describes the approach of mothers who, despite their exhaustion, tried to get their children to perform all their school duties. The "clutching at straws" type represents the resigned approach of the mother who needs more support from the school and family to manage education at home.

pandemic COVID-19; education at home; distance education; gender inequalities; COVID-19 impact on families

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