Professional Development Activities from the Perspective of Lower Secondary School Teachers: A Secondary Analysis of TALIS Data

Studia paedagogica


Teachers are a heterogeneous group in terms of age and length of practice and also in terms of educational needs and current professional level. This study focuses on selected aspects of professional development among Czech lower secondary school teachers at various stages of their careers. For the secondary analyses, we used data from the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) from 2013 and 2018 and data from the National Institute for Further Education survey from 2015. We were interested in how selected teachers evaluated the impact of professional development activities and received feedback on particular aspects of their teaching, in how often they collaborated with their colleagues, and to what extent they perceived barriers to their participation in professional development. All this relates to their age and the length of their teaching experience. Our findings showed that older and more experienced teachers more positively rated the influence of professional development activities on their teaching style. At the same time, younger and less experienced teachers perceived more obstacles to their participation in these activities. Teachers appreciating the benefits of professional development activities also tended to collaborate more with their colleagues. We formulate recommendations for further research and responsible management of the professional development of teachers at different levels – at the levels of school headteachers and educational policies.

professional development; lower secondary school teacher; secondary analysis; TALIS

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