"Wenn mans zum ersten Mal hört, dann verchlüpft man automatisch." : eine Gratwanderung zwischen Sterbehelfer und Mörder : essayistische Überlegungen zu Alices Reise in die Schweiz von Lukas Bärfuss
Lukas Bärfuss; Alices Reise in die Schweiz; ethical issues; euthanasia in Switzerland
This essay deals with the stage play "Alices Reise in die Schweiz" (Alice's trip to Switzerland) by Lukas Bärfuss, specifically focusing on the main character Gustav. There is a question raised whether he actually acts for purely ethical reasons, as he pretends, or whether something else is behind it. To formulate it more accurately: Is he as a suicide doctor tending to act like a murder? If so, where is the dividing line between these two positions? And how does it change the accustomed approach to the author Bärfuss who allegedly raises ethical issues without clearly taking sides?
Lukas Bärfuss; Alices Reise in die Schweiz; ethical issues; euthanasia in Switzerland
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