A Narrative Review of Eye-Tracking Research on Self-Regulated Learning from Multimedia Learning Materials in Higher Education

Studia paedagogica: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education


This study provides a narrative review of current eye-tracking research on self-regulated learning from multimedia learning materials in higher education. The main aim of the review is to explore how eye tracking is used in self-regulated learning research when learning from multimedia materials in university students. Other specific aims were established: 1) to identify what self-regulated learning processes are explored with eye tracking while learning from multimedia materials, 2) to determine what methods are used to explore self-regulated learning processes with eye tracking, 3) to find what structures and stimuli are used in eye-tracking experiments when studying self-regulated learning processes, and 4) to investigate what eye-tracking metrics are used to study self-regulated learning processes in learning from multimedia materials. To accomplish these aims, we analyzed 11 empirical studies published between 2012 and 2021. The results show that 1) current studies focus on self-regulated learning processes, such as judgments of learning, metacognitive monitoring, meta-comprehension, and learning strategies, 2) studies are quantitative and use experimental designs, specific stimuli, and distinct structures, and 4) studies are mainly focused on the fixations, saccades, and transitions between selected areas of interest in the data analyses. The results of this narrative review can indicate new directions for future research in this field.

Klíčová slova:
self-regulated learning; self-regulatory processes; multimedia learning materials; eye tracking; narrative review

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