Goal Setting and Goal Orientation as Predictors of Learning Satisfaction and Online Learning Behavior in Higher Education Blended Courses

Studia paedagogica: Learning Analytics to Study and Support Self-regulated Learning

This study investigated how goal setting and goal orientation are related to student learning behavior and engagement in an online learning environment, and how learning behavior, goal setting, and goal orientation are related to student satisfaction with the course they are studying. A total of 882 students from 76 different courses participated in this study, which used both self-reported data from a questionnaire and indicators based on digital traces in an online learning environment. The results of multilevel regression analyses showed that student ability to set learning goals (i.e., goal setting) was positively related to both student learning satisfaction and student learning behavior. Intrinsic goal orientation positively predicted student satisfaction with the course. Extrinsic goal orientation did not show a significant effect in any of the observed relationships. The analyzed indicators of student learning behavior showed no statistically significant association with learning satisfaction. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed, and limitations and directions for future research are suggested.

Klíčová slova:
self-regulated learning; goal setting; goal orientation; learning engagement; online learning behavior; course satisfaction

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Více informací

This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation [grant number 21-08218S, Multimodal learning analytics to study self-regulated learning processes within learning management systems].



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