Innovation in the Final Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes (Report Cards): The Process of Change and Its Impacts on School Practice

Studia paedagogica: Learning Outcomes in Schools: Policies and Practices


In this paper, we examine the development of a change process in implementing a new approach to the final assessment of student learning outcomes (report cards) in the Czech Republic. The study investigates the development and impacts of the implementation process in primary and lower secondary school. The qualitative research investigation, conducted through repeated interviews with 23 teachers and school leadership, showed that after a year and a half of working with the innovative report card, it had been accepted by teachers in primary school and had significantly influenced the culture of teaching and learning. There was a gradual transformation of the student assessment and self-assessment system and a more profound interconnection between formative and summative assessment. For now, lower secondary school teachers have rejected the innovative report card, although the culture of teaching and learning has been positively influenced.

Klíčová slova:
report card; process of change; formative assessments; summative assessment; learning outcomes

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Více informací

The research was supported by the project Technology Agency of the Czech Republic Development and Implementation of a Pilot Design of Report Card: Innovation of Final Assessment of Primary and Lower Secondary School Students in Connection with Comprehensive Developmental Assessment (TL05000360).



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