Non-Verbal Behaviour of Teachers in Classes

Studia paedagogica

This paper examines non-verbal behaviour of teachers in classes. Non-verbal signals are of prime importance in the classroom because as well as influencing ongoing interactions between teachers and students, they shape their relationships and even the teaching process. The aim of this paper is to describe how non-verbal signals are connected to one another and how they influence the teaching process. The chosen method of research was non-direct observation of teachers' non-verbal behaviour in the classes which they taught. The analysis of their behaviour revealed a connection between particular types of non-verbal behaviour. The paper thus identifies three types of non-verbal behaviour, which it describes as teachers' desk-oriented, students' desk oriented and board-oriented. It concludes by claiming that a teacher's position in the classroom significantly influences their non-verbal behaviour and even their mode of teaching.

non-verbal behaviour; classroom discourse; gestures; posturology; haptics; proxemics

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