Slavica litteraria

Vol.27,No.1 (2024)

Table of Contents


New issue: Slavica litteraria 2023, No. 1

The present number of the journal Slavica Litteraria contains a series of studies devoted to the problems of Slavonic literatures in general and to special aspects of their development in particular. The studies deal with literary currents in Slavonic literatures with a case study on Russian naturalism, with the relations between Czech and French comparative studies on the material of Václav Tille’s contacts with Fernand Baldensperger and Paul van Tieghem, with the problem of „eternal femininity“ in the works of Russian symbolists, the periodization of art and literature, with the relation of literary criticism and belles lettres, and the use of localization in the translations of fantasy (Harry Potter series) in Russian, Ukrainian and Czech.

New issue: Slavica litteraria 2022, No. 1

The present number is devoted to Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) and his double anniversary in a block of studies the authors of which are literary scholars from several European countries (Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Switzerland and France; its organizer and the author of the introductory text is from the Czech Republic) specializing in Russian literature. 

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