Most Read Articles
Kjersti Lien Holte. Homework in Primary School: Could It Be Made More Child-Friendly?
Dominik E. Froehlich, Simon Beausaert, Mien Segers. Similarity-Attraction Theory and Feedback-Seeking Behavior at Work: How Do They Impact Employability?
Ellen B. Mandinach, Jo Beth Jimerson. Data ethics in education: a theoretical, practical, and policy issue
Magda Nutsa Kobakhidze, Vít Šťastný. Theoretical Perspectives on the Role of Parents in Shadow Education
Mirjana Ule, Andreja Živoder. "Good" Parenting: Parental Support in Education as a Factor in Inequality
Kjersti Lien Holte. Homework in Primary School: Could It Be Made More Child-Friendly?
Ellen B. Mandinach, Jo Beth Jimerson. Data ethics in education: a theoretical, practical, and policy issue
Kristin Vanlommel, Elke Pepermans. Validation of the Teacher Decision-Making Inventory (TDMI): measuring data-based and intuitive dimensions in teachers' decision Process
Dominik E. Froehlich, Simon Beausaert, Mien Segers. Similarity-Attraction Theory and Feedback-Seeking Behavior at Work: How Do They Impact Employability?
Gila Gutwirth, Evelyn Goffin, Jan Vanhoof. Sensemaking unraveled: how teachers process school performance feedback data
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Kjersti Lien Holte. Homework in Primary School: Could It Be Made More Child-Friendly?
Giulia Cortellesi, Margaret Kernan. Together Old and Young: How Informal Contact between Young Children and Older People Can Lead to Intergenerational Solidarity
Subin Nijhawan. Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice with Design-Based Action Research
Klára Šeďová, Zuzana Šalamounová, Roman Švaříček, Martin Sedláček. Teachers’ Emotions in Teacher Development: Do They Matter?
Theo van Dellen. Learning for Work From the Past, in the Present, and Into the Future?
Kjersti Lien Holte. Homework in Primary School: Could It Be Made More Child-Friendly?
Giulia Cortellesi, Margaret Kernan. Together Old and Young: How Informal Contact between Young Children and Older People Can Lead to Intergenerational Solidarity
Subin Nijhawan. Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice with Design-Based Action Research
Klára Šeďová, Zuzana Šalamounová, Roman Švaříček, Martin Sedláček. Teachers’ Emotions in Teacher Development: Do They Matter?
Theo van Dellen. Learning for Work From the Past, in the Present, and Into the Future?
Kjersti Lien Holte. Homework in Primary School: Could It Be Made More Child-Friendly?
Eliana Gallardo Echenique. An Integrative Review of Literature on Learners in the Digital Era
Mualla Bilgin-Aksu, Türkan Aksu, Soner Polat. School Administrator Self-Esteem and Its Relationship to Trust in Teachers
Giulia Cortellesi, Margaret Kernan. Together Old and Young: How Informal Contact between Young Children and Older People Can Lead to Intergenerational Solidarity
Gisela Oliveira. Employability and Learning Transfer: What do Students Experience During Their Placements?
Peter Jarvis, Milada Rabušicová, Jan Nehyba. Adult Learning as a Lifelong Concern: Interview with Peter Jarvis
Klára Šeďová, Roman Švaříček, Martin Sedláček, Zuzana Šalamounová. On the Way to Dialogic Teaching: Action Research as a Means to Change Classroom Discourse.
Eliana Gallardo Echenique. An Integrative Review of Literature on Learners in the Digital Era.
Maarten Penninckx, Jan Vanhoof, Peter Van Petegem. Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Professional Development Programme on Pupil Well-being in Primary Schools.
Georg Rißler, Andrea Bossen, Nina Blasse. School as Space: Spatial Alterations, Teaching, Social Motives, and Practices.
Francesca Gobbo. “Send in the Clowns!”, or the Imagination at Work: the Narratives of Three Pediatric Ward Clowns.
Milan Pol, Roman Švaříček: Attempting a theory of untidiness: an interview with Stephen J. Ball
Adam Lefstein, Mirit Israeli, Itay Pollak, Maya Bozo-Schwartz: Investigating dilemmas in teaching: towards a new form of pedagogical scholarship
Martin Sedláček, Milan Pol, Lenka Hloušková, Bohumíra Lazarová, Petr Novotný: Internal setting and organisational learning in schools
Dana Kasperová: Reflections on the focus of education in the Theresienstadt ghetto based on reports by Theresienstadt's educators
Michael Schratz, Johanna F. Schwarz, Tanja Westfall-Greiter: Looking at two sides of the same coin: phenomenologically oriented vignette research and its implications for teaching and learning
Outstanding Research Publication Award (Czech Educational Research Association)
Libor Juhaňák. Sociální sítě autorů publikujících v pedagogických vědách v letech 2009–2013: exploratorní analýza
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Zuzana Šalamounová: Pupil Gestures in Education as a Process of Making Thinking Visible
Jarmila Bradová: When Seating Plan Works or Teacher-Pupil Preferences When Occupying Classroom Space
Klára Šeďová. Constellations of Power in Educational Communication